First half of this weekend.

A million thoughts at once. I’m really starting to think I just have to right short entries of little things every so often, instead of just one entry every so often that tend to just go on and on and just make everyone bored. Ah well on with it…

Interesting little party we had over at Alpha Delta Phi on Friday, August 29. Normally, our party’s don’t attract jack (or Jill for that matter). However, we teamed with Theta Phi Psi (who I give the award for most awkwardly named frat on the planet), who seem to always have a lot of people at their parties. Unfortunately, we had no idea just how many people, as it got so crowded, you could hardly move a foot inside the dance floor. That limited the fun for me a tad, but so did not having most of my pals, who were MIA for this function. Oh well, I met some interesting people while guarding the place, including someone who looked liked a shruken-down version of Christina Aguilera (though never meeting the real Christina, I have no actual way of comparing the two). She was a really nice looking girl, too, but a whole swarm of guys noticed that too. Not like I was going to do anything with her, but still it’s always good to know more good-looking people. Many thanks to Theta for all their help with setting up and clean up, and with security and stuff.

Saturday, August 30, Cal beats Southern Mississippi and I really don’t care. I mean they aren’t a good team. Afterwards, a bunch of alumni who came to watch the game and others came over for a small function with beer and barbeque supplied. A floor mate from last year, Wenjie, came over and toured our house. Spent like a few hours talking with her, frat bro Justin, and his pal, Jack on my balcony. It’s the first time I ever really used it to entertain guest; in fact, I even forgot I had it. Not too bad a weekend so far I guess.

Extra, Extra, Read all aboutParrot’s Parody Causes Commotion in Ariz. -Apparently, a very talented parrot caused all sorts of problems. Read and see.

End of Summer in LA Recap

Most of this is just development of this entry.

Well, I got a job down at the Hollywood Bowl with a bunch of other maintenace workers, many of whom were immigrants or just poorly educated people who didn’t speak English very well. In fact, I had to teach my boss latitude and longitude lines. Working over there, you see a lot of good looking girls down there who did speak English, though, which was a nice bonus. I wish I had gotten the night shift, though, with all the cute waitresses and it would have been sweet to be paid to see the shows, but the day shift wasn’t too bad. I hated the fact that some workers actually left early and thought they could get away with it, and of course the hot Los Angeles weather was no picnic either. Ah well, it was satisfying work, and I made a $1000 dollars this summer, which is pretty sweet.

Most of my nights I spent over at Los Angeles City College (LACC), where I took a philosophy class. I basically ended up helping a bunch of the people around me, which I didn’t mind doing. They liked me for it, too, I think. By the time, the class ended I had about 40 extra credit points, which meant I could have gotten a D on the final and still got an A in the class. Well, I got an A on the final anyway, but it’s still nice to know I had some insurance. I sure wish Berkeley classes were that easy. Funny, on the last day of class, I was talking to this older lady and I was telling her about biology at Berkeley. Well, she mentioned how when she taken a bio course over at LACC, she said she had known a nice Asian girl who was her best friend there. Then, she said, “I should introduce you.” I was thinking “uh, okay, this can not be good.” I mean I just hate the idea of just meeting people out of the blue like that. But after a little thought, she said something else that bothered me; she said “wait, you know that girl, Gloria, is pretty cute.” A group of girls I had helped out overheard our little conversation and whole-heartedly supported the notion saying, “you guys would be so cute. You think she’s cute right?” And then another guy steps in and says, “Yeah, man I saw here give you these elevator looks.” I was just sitting there thinking, “this is so embrassing.” I mean all these people surronding me and telling me to go for it with this girl. To backtrack, Gloria was this high-school girl I had been talking to in class about stuff and she is cute, but my word, all these people telling me to ask her out; that just felt more awkward than supportive. Funny, though, I still have her number on my cell phone, and I think about calling…shut up Allen, don’t even think about it.

I better pass out before I do something stupid.

Extra, Extra, Read all aboutWhat are the chances of that?-an intriguing look at seemingly improbable events.

My Friends and Christian Fellowships

First off, I should be down at New Student Welcome Night for ABSK, even though I am not a new student and have absolutely no interest in joining. Why? My pal, Seungkwon, said he’d give me $20 bucks if I showed up and I could keep it if I didn’t have a good time (of course, I had to give him back the money if I did). Well, I don’t know why, but I just felt to lazy to go there. More than likely, it’s just I have no interest in joining a Christian fellowship, but gee I had nothing better to do. I should have went, but ah well.

It’s unusual though, that I went to another gathering for another Christian fellowship called Intervarsity last night . Another ex-floor mate Joey, invited me to the gathering, where they had churros and kickball (sure brings back memories of elementary school, don’t it?). It was fun to watch and I talked to a few people there. It’s funny how our actions have consequences, as I ran into some girl named Elaine, who I apparently spilled soda on at the super-DC last year and who I had hoped I’d never see again. Oh well, it was not like she held it against me; I was just surprised she remembered me when I had forgotten that it had even happened. Anyways, they successfully killed two hours of my time and then the cops came to break up the fun. Geez, the cops broke up a Christian club playing kickball. Does anybody else see what’s wrong with that scenario, especially with all the frats a block away?

Oh and I just realized I haven’t written an entry into my journal in like a month, so I better see what I can write. Maybe later, I better spare you from the long entries.

An entry devoted to Funny Quotes

One of my favorite features on the Livejournal is the funny quote section of certain entries. Most of the time (if not all the time), all of them are just random sayings that have nothing to do with the topic (as are those interesting facts, websites, and songs I’m listening to). Well, they’re still funny and here are not only some funny quotes, but better jokes I could have told in certain points.

Actual Quotes

  • “If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?”-Abraham Lincoln
  • “Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book.”-Ronald Reagan
  • “I was born to talk. My father was a tobacco auctioneer, and my mother a woman”-Bob Hope
  • sumGuy116: “Pomona [college] has a chant.. when they’re losing… ‘that’s alrite.. that’s ok.. you’ll all work for us one day’ ” (editors note: gee, and I thought Stanfurd was preppy)
  • Vicki when describing Vin Diesel, “He’s got to be the sexiest ugly-guy ever.” (editors note: does that even make sense?)

What I should have said when… or Funny quotes that never were

I was coming home and then saw Eugene trying to ride piggyback on Christina as I came back to the room.
Both look at me awkwardly.
Me: “Okaaay. [me holding door and about ready to shut it] I’m gonna try this again. I want you both sitting there on the bed, playing Tetris Attack. I’m gonna go out now, and as I’m about to enter the room, I want Christina to laugh and say ‘you’re such a dork. Got it?'”

During some weird scenario
Me: “This is like that show with that weird host and with that scary theme song and then people go off to those weird places.”
Friend: “Yeah it does kind of remind me of The Twilight Zone.”
Me: “Twilight Zone? I was talking about Mr. Roger’s.”

Gee I thought I had more of these. I guess I don’t, but I hope I put a smile on your face.

Long time no real update

Alright, alright I’ll actually update, but I probably should keep this brief and just try to catch you up as I go along.

Sunday, July 6 I started my new job at the Hollywood Bowl. It’s not the most glamorous job though, as I have to work in the hot sun, cleaning up the park area, and I have to get up at 6:00 AM six days a week. That’s never fun, but hey I guess this builds character. Ah what am I saying, character smaracter, this job sucks. Oh well, I have to live with it and at least my dad’s my supervisor. Plus, I get free tickets to shows.

Tuesday, July 8 I began taking a philosophy class at Los Angeles Community College. The professor seems to know his stuff, but it bothers me how he seems to just throw terms out into the air and expects everyone to get them. It’s just there are so many synonyms for the terms he uses like claim, reason, fact. Not only this but he seems to have learned how to speak to a class at a cc too, as he makes a point and then smiles. It gets to be pretty amusing if you watch for it.

Alright, I think I’ll stop here. But coming soon, some commentary on just things I have in my mind.

Funny quote-“Fine_al, that’s such a Milhouse [from the Simpsons] thing. Haha. I mean it sounds kind of cool, but kind of dorky at the same time.”-Henry Lew

Funny Clip on

You don’t have to be a sports fan to like this clip. Go to and watch the Socal with Jimmy Kimmel clip. The first half is so funny, as it shows Mike Tyson and Jimmy Kemmel sucking helium balloons and Mike Tyson singing. It is so funny. To play it though, you’ll need to download ESPNmotion, a cool program which delievers crystal clear video from ESPN, including PTI and some Sportscenter clips.

Disney has recently seen the success of this program and have added it to many of their sites. allows you to watch scenes from movies and some parts of Ebert & Roper reviews. is experimenting with it, delivering trailers for upcoming TV shows and some hidden features like screen tests. It’s all very cool.

Cool,, and for the cool motion programs. And actually, you don’t need a broadband connection to view them. They work on my 56k modem.

My LJ Name Means…

Magic Number 16
Job Criminal
Personality Chancer
Temperament Steely
Sexual Gay
Likely To Win A Swimming Badge
Me – In A Word Startling
Brought to you by MemeJack

Now that is just really whack. I mean this is totally not me. This is the most random thing in the world.

Funny Quote-“What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive?”-Irv Kupcinet
Brought to you by The Quotations Page, the Featured Website. Use this page to find all sorts of useful quotations.

Got too much time to do nothing

This week has been a slow one as I keep denying myself from having fun. It’s just the fun things I wanted to do, I couldn’t do. On Sunday, June 1 for example, I couldn’t go to my friend Juan’s homecoming party. He entered the Marines and had just finished some level of training (I lose track so fast). I wanted to drop by and say hi, but unfortunately I had to go shopping for clothes for my job interview the next day.

Monday, June 2 was the big interview over at Champs Sports in Arcadia. It’s not my ideal job, but they’re like the only place that gave me any form of notice. I arrived a few minutes late, but fortunately for me, so did the other applicants. The other two seemed to be a lot more knowledgeable about sporting goods than I was, but I think I did ok. The manager said he’d call back on Monday if I had gotten the job. So I have to wait and see.

Tuesday, June 3 was a big waste of time. I did nothing. I should have went out and looked for more jobs or something. Oh well.

Wednesday, June 4 was suppose to be the day I go to UCSD to visit Nini. Fabian and I were jet set to go on Sunday, but we were ordering the tickets one hour too late for the companion fare, which would have made the trip only 25 dollars on greyhound. It instead became a 25 dollar trip for each of us, which meant a total of 50 dollars. The early bird catches the worm I guess.

My brother, Henry, managed to get free tickets to the Dodger game that night for his participation in Science Bowl. It was a nice gift, but unfortunately, we couldn’t use them. My parents had go off to see the doctors for some pain my dad has been feeling. I hope he gets better. Nonetheless, we would have felt about going to the game, with my parents having to worry about health and us having fun. So, those tickets went to waste. Darn. Oh well. They lost anyway, so that wouldn’t have been fun to watch for 3 hours.

Oh something cool for my Berkeley livejournal friends. Add knightangelfeed to your friends list and you’ll be able to read Joey’s Xanga from your friends page. But unfortunately, when you comment, they don’t go to his page.

Thursday, June 5-Ngoc Chi set up a bunch more of these Xanga accounts to be used on a livejournal friends page. She did this for a bunch of high school people.

Sheh Jen-sheh

Stupid free user point system thing. I can’t add all of them unless more people subscribe to them. That sucks.

Oh well, happy landings. (Random Closing)

Extra, Extra, Read all aboutBritney allegedly getting tanked a lot-“A woman says she was manhandled so that Miss Midriff [Spears] could get her favorite table at the trendy nightclub Lot 61…The singer’s publicist countered: ‘Britney is being criticized for doing what most people her age do – going out and having a good time. She’s not out of control.’ ”
Thanks to Fark for the scoop, which is also the Featured Website. It is a great source for the most amusing and far out news anywhere.

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