My Betterworks-Yelp Reviews Script

Betterworks with yelp links

My company got signed up for the Betterworks perks program a few months back.  Betterworks pays employees of their customers (my employer in this case) $50 a month to spend on food takeout, messages, car washes, and other fun activities.  However, I was having a hard time finding figuring out the quality of the service from their listings, so I would search for reviews on Yelp.  While that was easy enough on its own, I found a script that added a Yelp review search link to and thought to myself, why not use this for Betterworks?  So I modded the script for my own use, and now I have one button search Yelp for business reviews from Betterworks.  Kind of neat.  Install with Greasemonkey for Firefox and then click on the script link; Chrome users need Tampermonkey (Update: Tampermonkey is no longer needed thanks to code from Erik Vold).  Source code is on Github.