Thursday Night (or Friday Morning) Updates

My journal updates are pretty sporadic, but lately they’ve been going on this patten of being written Thursday night, but not being posted until Friday past midnight.  It doesn’t take me that long to write an entry, but I think I put more time into the ones I write over most other people.  I’d be curious to compare myself with others.  On to it then…

So last Sunday was frat elections.  I was running for vice president and it was probably the closest election of the night.  In the end, I lost it by a few votes to our current vice president.  It was kind of sad really, but if say some of the other brothers I know would had been there to vote for me, I could have won.  I bet the election was tied and then the president voted for Billy to break it.  Oh well.

On Monday, we had to be around for some alcohol awareness meeting that the fraternities do.  It was actually kind of fun, as every brother tried to make light of the situation, and there was a lot of picture taking.  Now if the guys can make some boring meeting fun, that’s brotherhood. 

Here’s a cool pic we took earlier

I knew I forgot something

Stuff I should have mentioned earlier…

-So I had a call back from Science Adventures Camp for an interview for camp counselor.  However, it turns out I need a car for the job.  Blast.
-Livejournal got rid of syndication points.  Which means I can add all those Xanga accounts and such on to my friends page.  If you have no idea what I’m talking about, there are these accounts on livejournal which you can add to your friends page and read things like news, xanga sites, and comics on your lj friends page.  Problem was that everyone had a quota on the amount of feeds you could add to your page.  But the good news is they finally got rid of them.  You can check out the most popular ones at  If you have a paid account you can make your own accounts for any page that has an XML feed.  Of particular interest to some of my friends:

knightangelfeed– Joey Le’s Xanga Site
calnhobbes-Calvin and Hobbes Comic Strip
choblog Margaret Cho’s Weblog

Hey koenma, remember those accounts you made last time?  I added them all to my friends list, so they’re in my info.  Nobody updates their Xanga though.
-Speaking of Xanga and Livejournal, a psychology student decided to do a study comparing both services. You can read about it hereInteresting Facts:

  • Live Journal users were more likely to identify themselves as whites while Xanga users were more likely to identify as Asians. 
  • Xanga users are about two years younger (Xanga at 18.2, LJ at 20.5). 
  • Xanga users posted less often but averaged almost twice as many comments per post (4.6) than LJ (2.6). 
  • 70% of female Xanga users had more than 50 friends in their blogroll while only 40% of males had more than 50.

Oh like we didn’t know this?
Facebook Faceoff-Joey Le-25 friends: Allen Lew-10.  Time to play a little catch up.  But I must say, if you look through the site, all the freshmen seem to know the most people.  I wonder why.  By the way, if you haven’t heard of it, TheFacebook is a social networking site like Friendster where you add friends, get their contact info, and such, except geared towards colleges, making it easier to find people.  It’s at a few colleges in the country, including the Ivy League, Stanford, UCLA, and some others.  Great website, but two things I’d like to see added: a homepage field and listing of other schools you went to (community colleges you transfered from and grad/professional schools).

I’d like to end here and then insert a Funny Quote or something, but I accident deleted the file that had all of them.  Darn it, and they were so good too.  Oh well.

Insert Funny Quote, Tip, or Fact that doesn’t go with the rest of the entry here


I don’t write too much on what I do in my classes or what they’re like, because well I don’t think that makes for very interesting journal entries.  However, the last few weeks, I’ve done like nothing, but work.  So sure why not write about it?

I guess I can start with my Environmental Science seminar.  Basically I had to prepare a presentation for use by the Chancellor’s Coalition of Sustainability on waste management on campus.  For my group, I focused on how paper was managed on campus and I found out quite a bit about this campus and paper in general.  For one thing, I found out that recycled paper is actually more expensive than virgin paper.  To think that I had been trained to think recycled anything was cheaper.  Also, it seems as though a multitude of people just want to stick it to everyone else.  Kind of sad, but when I interviewed people who purchased the paper on campus, I heard a bunch of complaints about bosses and bureaucracies, plus a bunch of odd “what the hell are you doing?” type looks.  Geez, I hate to think that working on the campus turns you into this.  Oh well. In spite of that, my presentation went pretty well, as everyone seemed to pity my experiences dealing with the administration on this campus.

So in Bio Lab, I’ve had numerous dissections in the last few weeks.  I’ve had to dissect an earthworm, a cockroach, a crayfish, and a rat so far this semester.  It’s kind of sad really.  My Chem GSI was telling me how when he worked for a research lab he had to kill animals for preparation of these labs.  Whether it was by putting them in a carbon dioxide chamber or drowning them in alcohol, it wasn’t fun.  If you want to see what I’ve done though, you can take a look at and keep changing the last three digits.  It goes up to 163.  If you want to be specific, 003 has the worm, 116 the roach, and 132 and 133 are the poor little rat.

Finally, I’ve had a hard time deciding what to take next year now that all my lower divs are done.  Mainly, I don’t want to get stuck with a sucky professor.  So, I used two websites and, but they’re both kind of limited.  I also found out that the ASUC is making a new course review site called (By the way, they aren’t Featured Websites, because I find all of them still too limited. Check them out though, as they’re all useful in some way.) It’s suppose to also have an event finder and classified ads, and a whole lot more.  Great idea,  but wasn’t CSBA working on some of these?  You remember and there next project was suppose to or something.  Coincidence?  Hardly.  Oh well, speaking of class work, I have to do some.  Laters.

Funny Quote-Lillian: “I lived in Unit 2, Cunnigham last year.  You?”
Me: “Unit 3, Ida Sproul”
Lillian: “Well nobody’s perfect.”

Help feed the hungry with mouse clicks

More of that Allen stuff

Upon the request of vociferouspanda, I decided to write a little more about life itself.

-I finally saw Kill Bill, Vol. 2 last Saturday with some of my old dorm friends.  Definitely a must see, but the first one is so much better.  The characters just seemed a lot more interesting in Volume one, plus there was far too much dialog and far too linear.  The good points of the first one are still in the second one though like the awesome soundtrack and ridiculous action remain in place.  Yeah, you got to see it.
-I missed the Fraternity’s exchange with Kappa Alpha Theta sorority last Friday.  I don’t know, I don’t do well with sorority girls (or girls in general for that matter) and I certainly just didn’t think I would have fun.  Perhaps I was wrong, but it’s too late to do anything about it now.
-I was thinking of applying to join the community , but then I think to myself “do I really want my confidence destroyed by people on the internet?” I don’t know maybe I should do it, but still it’s scary.
-It’s funny how at parties how I just grab guys I meet at the parties to be my wingmen to approach women with.  It kind of works and kind of doesn’t really.
-I just revised my resume, and well, I’m not very proud of it.  I’ll post it online soon, but I’m not really sure I want to.
-If you think comics aren’t cool, read The Ultimates, Vol. 1: Super-human.  The art, the story, the concepts, the dialog are just awesome.  It’s about a small task force of superpowered individuals created by the US Government to take down the superpowered villains of today.  It may seem like an ordinary comic, but the heroes themselves are so flawed.  One is a schizophrenic hippie who claims to be a Thunder God, another is a scientist with Prozac addiction, and so much more.  You just have to check it out.
-Speaking of superheroes, I came up with a few of them in high school and wrote a few stories.  I think I’ll post up my ideas in another entry.  Look for it.
-Pool party this Saturday, May 1.  Should be fun.

Help the health of children by just clicking your mouse

A little bit of everything

That’s what I would call this entry.  Just a bunch of short little glimpses into what’s been happening the last few days or so.

News from home-March Madness maybe over, but another set of teams are trying to get to the “Final Four”.  One of them happens to be Lincoln High School.  They participated in the Economics Challenge and won the state championship in the David Ricardo level (that’s for people who’ve only taken one semester of econ).  So now it’s off to Phoenix to compete in the West Regional (which include one school from Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, Texas, Utah, and Washington).  Congrats to them and my sister, who was on that team.  Each team member won $150 dollars which is good money for high school kids (hell it’s good money for college kids).  Then if they win the West, they’ll go on to New York to face off against the East, Midwest, and Heartland regions for the National Championships.
They were apparently the only team to enter in the David Ricardo level at the local competition, so nobody knew what to expect from the team.  However, the state provided a different story, as the team had to grind it out for the win. It came down to just two questions.  They were tied with Ponderosa High, apparently one of the top 50 schools in the state academically. The team got the second to last question, but Pondersoa could get the last one to send it to sudden death.  When it came out though, my sister buzzed it in and with that the game.  Unbelievable.  They’re now looking forward to more intense action in Phoenix.  Good luck guys.
What is the name of the chancellor’s dog?-The answer is Wheeler.  How do I know this?  I ran into it at Memorial Glade the other day.  I had just happen to run into David “Flipper” Singer as well  that day, and as we were talking, his dog starts trying to play with Wheeler.  The people taking care of him were these women (and not the chancellor) who were making a video to roast him.  So, they liked us enough for us to be in their video.  Wow what are the odds?
Some ideas to throw around sooner-Earlier I was going to write a column on a set of things that I thought would cool to have.  For example, I thought Skype, a program that makes telephone calls over the Internet for free (only to other users though), for Pocket PCs would cool, because then it’d be like having a cell phone/pda combo for relatively low cost.  Turns out they came out with it a few weeks ago.  Now that I think about it more though, there aren’t too many places to use it, unless you pay the subscription fee for the wireless access.  There’s off course the library, but no way should people be using a phone in the library.  Then, I thought about trying to get CSBA to reprogram some parts of the Berkeley website like telebears and such.  Then, the ASUC took down their sites ( and after they got caught hacking.  So that’s out.  Geez, kill all my ideas would you.

Okay, it’s not everything, but it’s everything I have to say right now.

Relay For Life

Last Friday night and Saturday morning, the commotion at Edwards Stadium was caused by the Relay for Life fund raiser for the American Cancer Society.  This year, myself and a few friends decided to participate.  I didn’t really know what to expect out of an 18 hour long relay race, but it really wasn’t a race.  Sure there was a ton of walking, but there was also a variety of events like yoga and dance lessons, tug of war, and the tons of live entertainment.  It was a fun little event as a saw a bunch of old friends like Lauren and rwiggum and ran around  and played the games for most of the night.  Our team ending up raising about $560 dollars, which was a great amount of money and probably the highest amount money raised by a fraternity on this campus.  There were some crazy things happening this morning, including my friends taking me on to the track while was asleep.  I was also surprised as to how I managed to sleep from 3 AM to 9 AM this morning at the stadium.

Rather than say more, see what went on. Go to and click the Relay for Life Album.

Funny Moment-While trying to think of a fund raiser: Vicky: “Maybe you guys could do a car wash.  You could get some girl to go topless and that’ll attract people.”
*a bunch of us stare*
Vicky: “Don’t even think about it.”

An unexpected surprise

So Christine Lee had asked me to help her flyer for her Executive Vice President Campaign.  I decided, even though I don’t like the flyering, I should try to help a friend in need.  I was passing them out in between Moffitt and Doe Library.  As I was passing them out, some one called out the name “Allen.”  I knew I had heard the voice before.  I was like “Laura?”  My ears we’re deceiving me.  It was her.  An old friend from high school who had gone to Santa Monica College.  She was on Spring Break and touring colleges to see which to transfer too.  Lucky enough for me, one of them was Berkeley.  I saw her and we began catching up and such.  I took her and a few of her friends around Telegraph and over to Naan and Curry, and we talked about Berkeley.  We talked about what was available on campus and what I’ve done here.  It was only an hour, but I think I convinced them that Berkeley would be a cool place for them to attend.

It’s funny how much you appreciate the school after talking to people like that.  I mean around Santa Monica College or any other college for that matter, you’re not going to find a place Telegraph or Berkeley in general.

So I guess I was surprised three times today.  Laura was unexpected, my revitalized love of this school came out of nowhere, and there was actually a good thing about flyering, for if I hadn’t done it, none of this would have happened.

Party Hardy

So last Thursday, I volunteered for the YWCA’s Shadow Day, but apparently my kid didn’t show up to follow me around.  Boy did that suck.  Well then I feel on my back up plan which was to share Joey’s.  He was a kid named Antonio from Oakland Tech.  Joey showed him parts of the class rooms on campus, and I showed him the dorms, namely Unit 3-Ida Sproul with Lauren and Unit 1-Deutsch with Justin.  I think the kid had fun and perhaps we showed him how to handle himself in Berkeley (that is, stay away from floors with all athletes, oy).

I also met vociferouspanda over at her place.  We (herself, Mihai, and myself) sat and and had fried rice while sharing our first year experiences with each other.  Our group then went out to the Paradise Party over at the Berkeley Art Museum.  It must have been dragged down or something, because I heard it was a lot more wild my first year, whereas the event I went to was rather tame.  Despite the massage parlors, it felt more like an event for elementary schoolers as there was paper flower making and finger painting.  Anyways, we then hung out for a little bit at my place and that was about it.

Then came the Golf Party, which was a pretty good party.  Well, except for the part about the girl puking on my bed.  That’s really all I should say on that and for this weekend.  Until next time.

Two Announcements

Okay I have two things to say to you guys. 

1. I’m helping out the Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society on April 16.  It’s important that people donate and sponsor this event (and me)!  If you want to help, go to this page and then submit a donation.

2.  For my Berkeley friends, my frat is having a party this Friday, April 9th.  It is a golf-themed party, where guys and girls will be dressed up in the things you see them wear at a country club.  I hope you guys can come and bring your friends with you.  There is a guest list, so I’m going to need you tell me if you want to come and the amount of people you coming with.  The address is 2422 Prospect St, which is two blocks up Channing and Piedmont (Channing Circle).

Anyways that’s all I wanted to say right now.  Hey, if I can’t advertise in my own journal, where can I advertise?