Fred’s Funnies

Fred gets so many pranks pulled on him, it’s not even funny. Actually, scratch that. It’s really funny. In no particular order, let’s see what funny pranks people have pulled on Fred. By the way, happy belated birthday. He turned 19 on Friday, 5/2/03

1. Fred’s new desktop pattern. After seeing his Leeann Tweeden desktop wallpaper, Christina wondered if it was possible to make her a little less desirable. So she decided to use Adobe Photoshop and create this to scare the “s*** out of him”:

Let me just say it worked like a charm.
2. Switching Fred’s home page. This is the one that started it all. Sean had found a link to a gay porno site (I don’t have the link) that also has a sound saying “I’m looking at gay porno”. So he turns up Fred’s speakers really high and sets his home page to be that gay porno site. Fred opens his browser and presto. Half the floor hears it and then laughs hysterically. Not only that, but the site disables the close button, so Fred struggled to find a way to close the browser, leaving plenty of time for hilarity to sink in. This was repeated many times and to various other sites that proved just as embrassing, creating more laughs.
3. Cold Showers. This is one of the few times Fred actually pulled a prank. For a while, Sean and him were dunking cold water on each other while they were in the shower. Fred decided to take it to the next level. He then took Sean’s clothes out of the shower stall and left Sean stranded in the stall, trying to come up with a solution. Eventually he got out dripping wet with only his boxers. It was so embrassing for Sean.
4. The Mysterious Girls Underwear. Someone has been leaving love notes for Fred in front of the door declaring how much they want Fred. What’s really odd about this though is that he/she is leaving girls underwear with the notes. And we still don’t know the culprit, though this maybe a clue.
5. One Last Breath-I was crazy about Creed’s One Last Breath for a while, but that just drove Fred crazy. He hates Creed with a passion, but for some reason, I would play the song and he’d sing the parts that go “hold me now” or “for you and me, you and me.” He was singing a song he doesn’t even like! Fred claims he just does it unconsicously and sincerely hates that song. It’s so funny hearing him sing verses of it and then realize he “was f****** singing that stupid song again.” Sean even came into the room and did the same thing. It’s hilarious if you see this in person.

Funny Quote-Christina while she sits in my chair working with Photoshop and singing Creed-With Arms Wide Open, “Oh no I’m turning into Allen.”

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It’s About Time…#1

…I cleaned my side of the room. I mean God it’s a mess.
…my Xmen poster stopped falling down. It’s fallen down like 10 times in the last week and just yesterday people were stepping all over it.
…I got other people into comic book superheroes. People have been asking an endless array of questions about the X-men mythos since the movie came out. Joey for one is reading the fan favorite JSA series, starring the original superhero team. Not only that, but people were looking through the comics I got from Free Comic Book Day. And I think I turned Chihyon into an Ultimate X-men fan. And definetly telling people about the great DC Comics graphic novels like Kingdom Come and Crisis on Infinte Earths has sparked some interest.
…Cartoon Newtork acquired Family Guy. It’s such a funny show. Catch it on Adult Swim at 11:30 PM.
…for the semester to come to end. All in all, great first year, but I may be romanticizing it a tad. However, everyone from high school has said I lived a more interesting life this past year than they’ve had. But maybe I’m just a good story teller. Well if that were the case I’d have a lot more hits now, wouldn’t I?
…I got around to updating some of those friend profiles I put up a while back. And I reposted the videos.
Here are the links:

Lucky Charms
The Joey
The Titan
To see all of the profiles, click here

Fight Club
Slideshow #1
Slideshow #2

Funny Quote-Seungkwon: “So Shosanna was lying on my bed in a sexy pose?”
Me in a very sarcastic tone: “Was, but don’t worry; it wasn’t nearly as seductive as when Janice and Jessica were kissing.”

You’ve Got to be Kidding Me…#1

…was the first thing I said when I read these two Odd News articles.
San Francisco Hosts ‘Masturbate-A-Thon’-only in San Francisco could they do this. This is just the opposite of that Seinfield episode-“The Contest” (which was hilarious, and about who could go the longest without “gratifying themselves”).
White only prom returns in Georgia– I didn’t even think that was still legal. I mean this is as stupid as an all male prom.
… Jewel’s Intuition video would be like that. Watch it, particularly the last part. What’s up with that?
Here’s a conversation about it:
mnk17fx (4:59:52 PM): she sounds like britney spears now
mnk17fx (5:00:06 PM): she looks more like britney too

mnk17fx (5:01:11 PM): this isn’t a jewel song, there’s no guitar
buttonix (5:01:23 PM): lol
mnk17fx (5:01:38 PM): she dances too
buttonix (5:01:44 PM): lol

mnk17fx (5:04:38 PM): i’m not getting you that song now, it’s a bad infulence
buttonix (5:04:48 PM): lol
mnk17fx (5:05:41 PM): it’s weird it’s not jewel, she tries to be a pop icon, and she’s like way older than the other girls

mnk17fx (5:07:22 PM): that’s it i’ll send you a more wholesome song, how about this song about suicide…
The iLoo-believe it or not, you can now surf the web with a toilet. My question is why the hell would you want to? Well apparently, Microsoft was just kidding me. For more, click here.
Oregon County Seeks Klingon Interpreter– “We have to provide information in all the languages our clients speak.” True, but when do you people speak Klingon in normal conversation? Trekies? I said normal. Well apparently, this is a much better article that explains more about the need for a Klingon interpreter, as well as one for the Elvish language from Lord of The Rings. Nonetheless, it is still an odd idea.

Funny Quote-“You know Allen has explained this problem so many times, I can do it now”-Fred, after I had explained a physics problem 4 times to other people

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Street Fighter Test

Now this is just sad. Apparently, a personality test revealed that I was:

chun li

People are gonna be haggling me about this one for weeks.

Take the Street Fighter Test

Which Street Fighter character are my friends?
David on my floor-Blanka
Allan Poon-Ryu
Jennifer Lew-Ryu (My sister is Ryu and I’m Chun Li-that’s just sad)
David Singer-Zangief

Update: Currently Down!, so don’t bother.


I’ve got mutant fever after seeing X-2. So after looking for more and more information about Xmen, I happened to stumble onto another one of those personality test. This one is kind of lame, but I thought it could be fun to see which hero or villain you are. Check out the The Marvelometer.

My results:

Other guys:
Steve Lin-Beast
Eddie Bellfield-Havok
Ngay Ngo-Wolverine
David on my floor-Beast (“Actually, I think the two of us could be Beast”-David)
Christina Chen-Jean Grey
Joey Le-Wolverine
Allan Poon-Cyclops
David Singer-Wolverine
Nicolle Salvador-Psylocke

Let me know who you are. Post a comment or IM me.

Update: Currently Down!, so don’t bother.

Space Shuttle Funding too low?

Wow this shocked me. Senators actually want to increase NASA’s budget. The Houston Chronicle reports that some senators think that a $15.5 billion dollar budget increase is too little. Cool. If this is the case, the space program isn’t dead after all, which is great. I mean we owe a lot to the space program, from computers to velcro. It is important that we continue to fund it. But will we get back a sizable return? We’ll just have to wait and see.

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Dante’s Inferno Test

This seems to be the test everyone is taking.

My results:

The Dante’s Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell – The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Level Score
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very Low
Level 1 – Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) High
Level 2 (Lustful) High
Level 3 (Gluttonous) Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) Moderate
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) Very Low
Level 6 – The City of Dis (Heretics) Very High
Level 7 (Violent) Low
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) High
Level 9 – Cocytus (Treacherous) Low

Take the Dante Inferno Hell Test

Wow I am a heathen who uses the Lord’s name in vain damn it. This doesn’t surprise me as I don’t believe in God and I tend to bash God.

How have others done?
Christina Chen-Purgatory (Christian girl, not surprised)
Fred Vasquez-Second Level (wants to drink and have a good time)
Ngoc Chi Luu-First Level (good person overall, but doesn’t believe in God)
Kyle Chatman-Sixth Level (atheists)
Steve Lin-First Level
Matt Fellows-First Level

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Comic books for free (or close)

Over the last few years, I’ve grown a bit obsessive about DC and Marvel Comic book superheroes. It’s a real shame that it is dying medium. You may be saying “what about all the comic book movies coming out?” Well when was the last time you actually read or seen a comic book? Probably a very long time. It’s just the heroes are popular, but comic books themselves are not. It’s unfortunate though, as the writing, the art, and even the paper are better than ever. Why are they not popular? It’s probably due to the fact that comic shops are becoming less frequent and that the stigma of being child’s play still hangs over them. Not only this, but the notorious continuity that only geeks (like me) follow. These factors make comics totally inaccessible to readers.

This lack of demand, though, leads to some good bargains for the consumer though. To attract readers, comics are coming out in cheap limited additions. For example, one issue of Batman and Superman cost just 10 cents. Marvel released a 9 cent addition of Fantastic Four and a Daredevil issue for 25 cents. Plus on their websites, they are offering free sample pages on the books, and even whole issues.

And for the big news. Go to a participating comic book store Saturday, May 3 (the day after X-2 comes out) and you can receive a free comic book. Go to to find out what you can get for free and to find a store near you.

More links issues of ultimate xmen online, plus a sneak peek of the movie

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Week in Review #1

Please note: I think I’m forgetting some stuff that happened, but I think I can add more stuff later.

Thursday (April 24)– RHA presents a boat dance, a semi-formal occasion for students to dance and have fun. Overall, I had more fun than I thought I would, but as always I am plagued by bad timing as I went on the earlier bus and left earlier than most of my friends. That left me out of a lot of pictures and festivities too. Ah well, I guess that’s because I was without my main crew. I got home at like 12 AM and then stayed up that night doing English homework and complaining about my sore feet. It reminded me of one reason why I don’t usually have fun at these functions.
Not this time though. I guess I just became less self-conscious and just let things flow, as opposed to every other time. Or maybe I felt better, because I knew more people or felt like socializing more. My parents may think college has turned into a person they don’t like, but honestly I think I’m a better person now. I’m nicer, friendlier, and I feel better about myself.
Question-Why were girls dancing with each other when there were guys just standing right next to them? If you know me, you know I like to question things that just seem rather odd to me, and this is one of them. I mean this isn’t junior high; it’s college. We’re not suppose to be afraid of the opposite sex.
Friday (April 25)-Happy birthday to my floormate Jessica, who turned 19.
MCBusa’s ice cream social. Had a scavenger hunt. My team won and we got cool t-shirts and candy. There was also ice cream, but that’s why they call it an ice cream social. I also got to know some cool people in my club, but I wish more people went, as we had ice cream for 30 in a room of ten.
Saturday (April 26)-Looking forward to this one for a while. It was the night of Reggae by the Pool, a party thrown at my frat. Great band called Pacific Vibrations played and there were plenty of people. Loads of fun, up until the cops broke it up. Bummer. Spent remainder of the night talking to friends at Mandarin House and in the hallway. Wenjie wondered why we didn’t do that more often. She’s right about that, but incorrectly blamed it on Dave, who left us for a frat. No way. There’s really no one to blame, but ourselves and our busy schedules.
A girl from UCLA came over to the floor the other day and made a druken mess of herself, but the worst part was I was sort of attracted to her drukenness, That is so evil of me to think that.

Revelation-I write this for a very small audience. Namely myself. Should I tell more people about it? Thanks for those who used to come, now I need them back.
Revelation-This journal isn’t funny any more. Well hey, who said it had to be?

Cool Program-Windows Media Fun Pack-Microsoft just released a few add-ons to Windows Media Player. One is some cool new visualizations. The other is quite useful for Livejournal users, a blogging plugin. It will allow the detect music buttons on livejournal to detect the music from Windows Media Player (the button previously worked with Winamp and Musicmatch only).

Cal’s NFL Draft

From, the results of the NFL Draft for California

KYLE BOLLER QB-Round 1, Pick(overall) 19(19), team Baltimore
NNAMDI ASOMUGHA CB- 1 31(31) Oakland
SCOTT TERCERO OG- 6 11(184) St. Louis
TULLY BANTA-CAIN DE- 7 25(239) New England

So Boller did go in the first round, but not in the top 10. Asomucha was a surprise, but hey with the extra draft picks Oakland got from Tampa Bay, they could get anyone they want.

Stupid Fact-Worried about sharks in the ocean? You might want to be more worried about sitting under a coconut tree. Coconuts kill 150 people a year, far more than sharks.

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