-Too much reading. It seems like I have to read a book a day. And comp lit gives out so much writing, I might as well write a book a day too.
-This floor is definitely the coolest floor in Ida Sproul Hall. People come here all the time to hang out with all of us. It is so cool. They come here so much some of them become honorary members and extra roommates.
-Our movie nights seem to get worse and worse each weekend. We seem to be out of movies to show. Or maybe, just maybe, we should try going to a theatre.
-More cable channels=More good TV
Free time-TV time=study time
You do the math or implicitly like Fred said “s***, now I’m going to be watching TV”
-The comments I’ve been getting about my Rouge (from the movie X-2) have been odd. I’ve gotten 2 responses from girls about how cool she is and no response from guys. I thought I’d get my head chopped off like Fred every time he puts a girl on his desktop.
-What’s with everyone and haircuts? Everyone seems to have saved off most of their hair this weekend.
-See the NBA All-star game? Double-overtime, Michael Jordan, and actual defense. What more could you want?
-That stupid Epson printer. I couldn’t fix two of them in the course of week. I hate fixing printers in general, but that Epson is really getting on my nerves.
Subjournal-It’s been a while
If you saw an entry a few days ago, well I deleted it. I rather rushed it so I decided to do a small rewrite.
-I am nearing the 100 mark on the counter for the subprofile. Just need a few more visitors to take it over that mark.
-I’ve added a bit to my subprofile. I’ve added links to friend’s webpages and a few pages were I include links to downloads, general interest web sites, and cool trivia. Check them out.
-I have the world’s worse schedule this semester. Everyday I have gaps in between classes. I have to get up at 7:00 for 3 days of the week and 2 nights a week I have class until 6. I just picture myself at the end of the semester and it’s not pretty.
-Dame Edna wrote some seriously bad comments about people who speak Spanish in Vanity Fair. And this coming from a man who dresses like an old lady?
-I’m thinking about joining Alpha Delta Phi. And becoming an algebra tutor. And currently managing a 17 unit load. And have the worst schedule ever. What is wrong with me?
-For an atheist, I sure do make a lot of references to God. “Oh God no” and “Thank God” are two of my big expressions. Heck, I even say “oy vey.”
-Why does Joey text message me on the cell phone when I’m on AIM?
-Too many people have birthday’s in February. Too many cards to buy and too many songs to sing.
Videos are down.
I need a new server for the videos . Oh well I can do without them for now. I will still describe them and if you want to see them, I can send them to you with AIM.
Perfect 10
My old high school has had very few achievements in the history of the Academic Decathlon. These past 4 years, however, have been a different story, as the team has gotten closer and closer to going to the state competition. Past decathlon records have been broken including the “untouchable” record interview score. The bar has been raised it and it is good to know it continues to go higher and higher. My brother has become only the second person in Lincoln High School history to win the Perfect 10 medal at Super Quiz. They scored 49 out of 60 points in that round overall, an incredible score. On February 6, the team will find out more about how they did, how many more medals will they add to the trophy case and whether or not they will advance to the stat competition.
Happy Belated Birthday and Ringing in the New Year Chinese Style
Superfriends Roster: Nash, Panda, Joey, Oz (Kyle), Christina, and others
My roommate Neo (Eugene) turned 19 on February 1. It also turned out to be Chinese New Year and we decided to go to San Francisco. Take a look.
Damn it Panda, why did you block out Oz?
Learning Experience
A lot has transpired over the last few months or so. In that period of time, I think I have learned quite a lot about the world around me and myself. And while everything is not going as well as it could be, it isn’t going as worse as it could be. Let the updates begin.
Subjournal-More updates
Time add another entry to the subjournal.
-New website moving along quite well. Should be up and running by the beginning of next semester.
-Subprofile has been up for a week or two and not even my roommates have seen it yet. Am I that unpopular? Maybe you should just TELL PEOPLE ABOUT ALLEN!
-Now my cd-rom drive doesn’t work at all, which means I’ll have to send it back. A college student without a computer, bad combination.
-Without a cd-rom drive, I couldn’t update Outlook. And speaking of updates, why don’t people update their software often. It honestly helps performance sometimes and helps with neutralizing security threats on your computer. Go http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com and http://office.microsoft.com to perform a few updates and/or turn on automatic updating in the control panel.
-Subprofile is now getting less and less funny.
-You tend to refer to yourself in the third-person a lot in this journal, don’t you Allen?
-Should have told people about subprofile when Eddie didn’t update his, but nooooooooooo…
-Steve now has a website devoted to school that contains his own panda patented Steve-o-Notes for Psychology and Economics. Check it out at http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~stelin/default.htm
-Christina did not know who or what are the Fantastic Four. Do you?
-A couple of us were sitting in the hallway on Thursday night when Chihyon came out to model some jeans. She asked “Do I look good in these?” For God’s sake, she could wear a burlap sack and still look good. We all said yeah and then she said “You sure it doesn’t make me look fat?” Allen then says “You can’t look fat in anything” and we all compliment her. She says “thanks” and goes off to her room. Meanwhile, Allen still looks at her and does not pay attention to the conversion, when Vicky goes “Allen” and he quickly starts paying attention to his other friends in the hall. But all he could think about that night was her in those jeans.
-To all the girls Allen know, if you ever ask him if he think this outfit makes you look fat, don’t bother. He’ll always say no, because it’s true.
-No Allen does not have a crush on Chihyon.
-That night was still cool, even though all we did was talk in the hall way. Bonding with these guys is an experience Allen will never forget.
-Allen went to Beyond the Wall and picked up 2 $5 dollar posters of Star Wars. He then told Eugene about it and picked up a poster of the zodiac that shows some pretty provocative positions. But come on which would you want to look at more, Star Wars or sex? Allen’s pretty sure you’d rather look at Star Wars (which pretty much makes him an idiot).
-I forgot to put this in last time, but the cell phone number is (323)449-9524
Subjournal-I’m back
After a couple of days without updating, the subjournal is back up and running.
-The subprofile people finally corrected the code for the subprofile, so now there shouldn’t be anymore problems, hopefully.
-Most of you know I got into a car accident on the day before Thanksgivng. If you don’t, go to my journal and read more about it.
-Next week is finals. AS Seungkwon would say “God damn…”
-I’m thinking about adding a best friend for the week in my subpfofile, but it might not be the best idea in the world.
-Finally got a cell phone. All I’ve done with it though is add more ringtones to it.
The Accident
I was looking forward to going home this weekend. After all, it was Thanksgiving break and it would give me a chance to see my family and friends. However, my cousin (who was driving me home) and I experienced something that will change our lives completely. You see, we got into a car accident and we’re wondering how we managed to get into it and how we got out of it alive. We were driving Southbound towards Los Angeles when all of a sudden, the car just span out of control. We span past the medium, into the northbound lane, into the fencing and into a ditch. Luckily, we weren’t hurt seriously, though my cousin Nicole suffered some minor cuts. Yet the car was a total wreck and we had not way of salvaging it. Thankfully some nice people on their way to Stockton dropped by the call CHP and got them to the scene. The CHP got us to a motel in Los Banos, but owed the car to another city. We don’t know how we span out or how we didn’t get hit by any cars. It might of had something to do with being rear ended by 10 minutes ago, yet we did not have any major damage on the car. I feel bad for my cousin, she didn’t really want to go back to LA, but decided to take me there. My parents plan on arriving here in this motel in the morning, but I wonder what happens next, with this wild unpredictable world.
Edit: The next day, my uncle and my mom came up and drove us back down to LA. I came back a few hours after 10 and finally saw my family in months. Interesting experience I had a day I should never forget.
Subjournal-Today’s installment
I just realized I’m gonna have to come up with one really lame title after another. That’s what I get for just putting out random junk on the net.
-Christina finally saw the journal and stuck her tongue out at me. I guess that’s my clue to stop writing about her, but one last thing though. I made a really stupid comment that implied a few things… and let’s just say she said “In your dreams.” Ouch that hurt.
-In case you haven’t noticed all the stuff here is pretty PG, and I for some readon refrain from swear words.
-David doesn’t want me to put up his drinking stories on the net. That takes away so much good material for both journals.
-I was worried about my presentation going shorter than 5 mins. Turns out it went for 15. This is where I’m suppose to insert some witty comment, but nada.
-Subprofile giving me lots of problems. Too many popup ads, bad links, and lots of errors. This is where I’m suppose to insert another witty comment, but again nada.
-I’m finally learning how to use Adobe Premiere. Still would like a few more features like editing WMV and MP3 compression, but it’s stilll better than that super Limited Edition I had at home.
-My new website isn’t ready nor will it be ready for a while. Sorry.
-Wenjie left only 11 hours ago and she already misses us. We miss you too friend.