Continuing my power of the Internet motif, I thought I’d talk about the wonderful world of online journals. Blogs, as most people call them, are predicted to be the latest craze (if they aren’t all ready), as it allows people with no experience in webdesign to be able to update their own websites. It’s generally quick and painless. What I find rather amazing amount them is the information they contain. There are some devoted to personal data, political events, technology. Heck there are even blogs about blogging. It’s a forward trend to think about. Check out this article on Cnet comapring blogs and the so-called “real journalists” on TV. You can also take a look at a few other journals my friends have put up on the net at this page and post a comment on this entry to refer people to more Blogs.. Finally, you can visit web sites like Xanga, Blogger, and of course LiveJournal to get you’re own. The internet is waiting for you’re voice.
The Power of The World Wide Web
Outdated entry
Remember when people used the words “information superhighway” and “world wide web” and referred to “getting on the net” as “getting on the web?” It seems like yesterday for me, at least in my old ripe age of 18. Why do I suddenly bring up 90s slang? Well, I was exploring my favorite search engine, Google, and it was just interesting to me how one link could lead to another and another and another. It reminded me of makes the net so great, one click on a source of information could lead to thousands more. There is information on literally every time, just a matter of how hard you look. With that in mind, I refer you to my links, downloads, and trivia pages in my subprofile. It’s right now very small, but I hope it can become quite big very soon.
Too many text messages.
Julie asked if I could look over her paper. I said sure send it over. What I meant to say is not over my phone. She tried to send me her paper as a word document, but somehow it ended up as a set of text messages on my phone. But remember a cell phone message only holds so many lines and her paper was 4 pages. So now my phone is filling up with short messages every now and then with lines from her paper. It’s been 4 hours and I’m still getting messages. Oh wait it stopped. No there it goes again.
By the way, people can send you text messages on your phone when you’re signed off AIM. It’s not typically this annoying and can be in fact quite useful. Click here.
Scavenger Hunt
What I did last night:
1. Went to a gay bar called Rock Hard
2. Sat in the back of a cop car
3. Sat on the back of a cop car
4. Humped a statue with 8 other guys
5. Urinated at Coit Tower with 8 other guys
6. Bought condoms
7. Went to a place selling the nastiest videos in town
8. Had to carry a bondage whip in the all guys dorm
9. Found a 16″ dildo
10. Saw Joey rub down fellow pledge brother Patrick in baby oil
11. Saw Billy’s butt and in a girl’s wig
It’s not what you think. Just don’t ask. Please don’t ask. Really don’t ask. Stop asking.
Subjournal-Once a month is not enough
I’ve slacked way to much on these updates. Good thing I can remember a lot of stuff.
-Let me see what bad things have happened to me, because I decided to pledge a frat. I have been humiliated, hissed, intoxicated, thrown up, forced to act stupid, serve alcohol, and almost run over. Why am I doing this again?
-It’s official. I now hate Keanu Reeves. I never respected him, but I acknowledged his right to exist. Now, all I think of is err.
-Okay so Josh Hartnett is up for Superman, then Brendan Fraser, Victor Webster, and now David Borenaz? In my opinion (and Christopher Reeve), Tom Welling would make a great Superman. Not only that, it wouldn’t break continuity established by Smallville and isn’t that why you watch the show, to see him become Superman?
-Why is it my roommate can walk around and say things like “what’s your favorite position?” and have a girlfriend whereas I’m walking around helping people with problems?
-Two midterms in one day is bad. Two midterms and missing a trip to Lawrence Berkeley Labs, one of the biggest research facilities in the world, is even worse.
-Why is it when I have not seen a person in months, the first thing they ask me is “could you help me with this”? I’m glad to help, but a simple, “how are you doing?” before hand would be nice?
-So all the quarter schools have finals in a couple of weeks. 3 sets of finals a year? How does anyone do it?
-Do I really deserve what I think I deserve or am just delusional, thinking I’ve done nothing wrong? Good question, I’d like to know the answer to that one.
-Now my guy friends and I all have our own really embarrassing stories and it’s only the first year of college. Just imagine 3 more.
99 Luftballons
Can you believe my frat wanted me to sing this song?
Hast Du etwas Zeit fuer mich
Dann singe ich ein Lied fuer Dich
Von 99 Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
Denkst Du vielleicht grad’ an mich
Dann singe ich ein Lied fuer Dich
Von 99 Luftballons
Und dass sowas von sowas kommt
99 Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
Hielt man fuer UFOs aus dem All
Darum schickte ein General
Eine Fliegerstaffel hinterher
Alarm zu geben, wenn es so war
Dabei war da am Horizont
Nur 99 Luftballons
99 Duesenjaeger
Jeder war ein grosser Krieger
Hielten sich fuer Captain Kirk
Das gab ein grosses Feuerwerk
Die Nachbarn haben nichts gerafft
Und fuehlten sich gleich angemacht
Dabei schoss man am Horizont
Auf 99 Luftballons
99 Kriegsminister
Streichholz und Benzinkanister
Hielten sich fuer schlaue Leute
Witterten schon fette Beute
Riefen: Krieg und wollten Macht
Mann, wer haette das gedacht
Dass es einmal soweit kommt
Wegen 99 Luftballons
99 Jahre Krieg
Liessen keinen Platz fuer Sieger
Kriegsminister gibt es nicht mehr
Und auch keine Duesenflieger
Heute zieh ich meine Runden
Seh die Welt in Truemmern liegen
Hab’ nen Luftballon gefunden
Denk’ an Dich und lass’ ihn fliegen
(Note the song is in GERMAN!!!)
Shosanna’s Comedy Night
Shosanna, a girl who leaves across the hall from me, had a bit of boy trouble. She went out on a date with a guy she liked in fifth grade, but apparently she’s out grown those feelings. There were hopes this could become a friendship, but he kept persisting on a relationship. The guy asked Sho to a comedy night and she reluctantly said yes. However, it finally struck her that she would be alone with him. What to do? I (yes I do have a part in this story) tell her that Panda has an extra ticket. Sho gets the ticket to give to her roommate Jacqueline and they’ll pretend to run into each other. There seems to be a flaw in this story though, because they are roommates? Wouldn’t they know where they were going? We came up with a bunch of silly reasons. Just about every guy on the floor was asked to be Jacqueline’s date, even Eddie (who happens to be gay!!!!) Even worse, we asked Vicki and Jacqueline to pretend to be a lesbian couple. Eventually they decided to be just friends and meet show there secretly. However, it didn’t stop him from making a move on Shosanna, and she never wants to speak to him again. Good riddens.
Subjournal-More in the life of Allen
-Too much reading. It seems like I have to read a book a day. And comp lit gives out so much writing, I might as well write a book a day too.
-This floor is definitely the coolest floor in Ida Sproul Hall. People come here all the time to hang out with all of us. It is so cool. They come here so much some of them become honorary members and extra roommates.
-Our movie nights seem to get worse and worse each weekend. We seem to be out of movies to show. Or maybe, just maybe, we should try going to a theatre.
-More cable channels=More good TV
Free time-TV time=study time
You do the math or implicitly like Fred said “s***, now I’m going to be watching TV”
-The comments I’ve been getting about my Rouge (from the movie X-2) have been odd. I’ve gotten 2 responses from girls about how cool she is and no response from guys. I thought I’d get my head chopped off like Fred every time he puts a girl on his desktop.
-What’s with everyone and haircuts? Everyone seems to have saved off most of their hair this weekend.
-See the NBA All-star game? Double-overtime, Michael Jordan, and actual defense. What more could you want?
-That stupid Epson printer. I couldn’t fix two of them in the course of week. I hate fixing printers in general, but that Epson is really getting on my nerves.
Subjournal-It’s been a while
If you saw an entry a few days ago, well I deleted it. I rather rushed it so I decided to do a small rewrite.
-I am nearing the 100 mark on the counter for the subprofile. Just need a few more visitors to take it over that mark.
-I’ve added a bit to my subprofile. I’ve added links to friend’s webpages and a few pages were I include links to downloads, general interest web sites, and cool trivia. Check them out.
-I have the world’s worse schedule this semester. Everyday I have gaps in between classes. I have to get up at 7:00 for 3 days of the week and 2 nights a week I have class until 6. I just picture myself at the end of the semester and it’s not pretty.
-Dame Edna wrote some seriously bad comments about people who speak Spanish in Vanity Fair. And this coming from a man who dresses like an old lady?
-I’m thinking about joining Alpha Delta Phi. And becoming an algebra tutor. And currently managing a 17 unit load. And have the worst schedule ever. What is wrong with me?
-For an atheist, I sure do make a lot of references to God. “Oh God no” and “Thank God” are two of my big expressions. Heck, I even say “oy vey.”
-Why does Joey text message me on the cell phone when I’m on AIM?
-Too many people have birthday’s in February. Too many cards to buy and too many songs to sing.
Videos are down.
I need a new server for the videos . Oh well I can do without them for now. I will still describe them and if you want to see them, I can send them to you with AIM.