Commentary for me

Ms. A left this in the comments of my last Calstuff post:

Allen, an already famous blogger for CalStuff, is nearing another landmark achievement. As someone points out, CalStuff has gotten another reader.

What an achievement this is for Allen!

Despite the fact that I write for a semi-famous news blog, I would have never have thought my writing style would be parodied.

Rats and Dogs?

So Joey and his girl Hoam got a dog named Skye this week. Frisky little girl. If there’s any reason for me to be glad we’re not roommates right now, it’s because of that dog. I really would not like that thing roaming around my room with its ability to chew up my stuff.

Meanwhile, Christina found a rat in the house. She’s keeping it as a pet (it looks domesticated and a lot like one of the rats they use for Bio 1A dissections). Plus, Gary is getting his dog soon. I think Billy put this situation best: Funny Quote-“I hope I’m not the president known for turning this house into a petting zoo.

Constructive Video Projects of Bored Freshman Kids

Thanks for showing me this Justin. It’s probably one of the best college amateur shorts I’ve ever seen:

Basic plot summary: It’s a music video about a guy falling for a girl who has a boyfriend. Girl then fights boyfriend and falls for other guy. Very well done. Oh yeah and there’s a white guy singing in Chinese (well lip syncing, but still cool).

It’s not quite the same as the stuff Joey, David, and I used to make, so it’s not really fair to compare them (our videos were about action and some comedy, not romance). Still I kind of wonder what would have happened if I had decided to spam everyone I knew and told them to send it to all their friends.

Fight Club: Round 1– (I added credits and a small disclaimer since the last time you saw it, but the fighting remains unchanged)

Fight Club: Round 2– The never before released sequel.

Web Wonders

Being the Internet junkie that I am, I surf quite a few different web pages. Here’s a list of some my favorite web pages. Bear in mind, though, it’s still a work in progress.

Blogs I read
Boing Boing: Quite possibly, the best collection of items on the web.
CoolGov: Finding out what your government can do for you. All the News you could want.
Seth’s Blog: Weblog for business author Seth Godin
WorldChanging: How to make the world cleaner, greener, and better with real solutions

Comic Book Fan Sites
TheFourthRail: Awesome reviews of comics
TitansTower: Teen Titans Together (best info site for any comic heroes ever)

Google Stuff
Google Search in Elmer Fudd: Maybe you can use it to search for that wascally wabbit?
Holiday Logos: See past changes they’ve made to their logo for various occasions
Search Features: Everything Google Search can do (you’d be surprised)

Information Sources Countless Guides to a variety of topics
Wikipedia: The free Internet Encyclopedia, which can be edited by anyone
Snopes: The truth about a variety of urban legends

Media Repositories Home of the Internet Way Backmachine (which stores nearly every webpage on the Internet), public domain films, books, and audio.
Ibiblio: A vast library of a variety of different resources (mostly text).

News Magazines
ChangeThis: Informed manifestos on to make good changes in society
Slate: Very good news analysis, opinions, and more.

Science/Technology Sites
Wired: Home to Wired News and Wired Magazine

Ben’s Bargains: Good deals. Be sure to check out the Freebies for all sorts of free stuff, like magazine subscriptions.
Craig’s List: Free Classified Ads One bargain a day.

Sites I work for
Calstuff: UC Berkeley news blog. Student portal at Berkeley

Social Networking Profiles
My Friendster Profile (General Networking)
TheFacebook profile (College Students)
My Flickr Profile (Photo Hosting)

Miscellanous Webapps
Bloglines-Web based RSS reader, useful for keeping up with weblogs, newsites, and such. This guide explains it better. Be sure to get the bookmarklet for your browser.


I somehow feel as though I haven’t been on top of my game for quite some time. I mean I haven’t been on top of my school work as much as I would like and I haven’t been exactly participating in my extracurriculars like the frat and news blogging. Maybe I’m just tired or lazy or a little of both.

Take today for instance. As I walking home from class, I actually saw Chancellor Birgenau on the street in front of Krober fountain. The problem was I didn’t actually recognize him until a second after he passed me by. That’s silly of me to do. Granted even if I had recognized him sooner, I probably would have still walked by, not wanting to disturb a busy man like him. But it seemed like a good chance for me to do a cool interview or get a photo with him. Stupid me.

I don’t know when I started feeling this way. It could be just not getting any caffeine from Coke in my system for the last week or so (which is odd, seeing as how I avoid coffee to not become dependent on the drug). Hopefully, I’ll snap out of this funk soon.

My college experience has been totally different than what I thought it would be when I graduated high school. One thing that’s been totally unexpected has been gaining some what of a presence with the student body. A few weeks ago I had met someone from the Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board who said they knew of me from Calstuff. I’m definitely not a popular person on campus, but I certainly know a lot more people than I thought I would (though it is somewhat skewed by the fact that I go to a school with a very large student body).

On a semi-related note, my bioethics professor actually knew who I was without me telling him. Apparently he had memorized my picture from the photo in the Berkeley records. That’s so cool when the prof. wants to learn your name in advance.

I just saw I Heart Huckabees and I must say it was an interesting movie. The film was very funny at a lot of points. It also had a lot of interesting thoughts on life and purpose, though they were sometimes very confusing. The movie does falter quite a bit at certain junctions, but it’s totally not typical fare and very much worth seeing.

Speaking of films, Justin Wong and I have been thinking about making a short film. I was planning on doing something like that last year, but it didn’t work out. This time it might, but I don’t know if I want to or can make the same type of film (would have been an action film). I’ll take suggestions for stories or genres.

Alright that seems like enough for now. I’m taking off for bed. Night everyone.
Hot TipGood Cheap Vodka: Cheap vodka can made better just by running it through a water filter a few times. Check it out.

Fifty ways you know you’re an asshole

This list is pretty stupid, but it has some very rare flashes of brilliance. It’s from a Tufts University column, but there’s not too much to adapt it for Berkeley.

Underlined are the things I do (though I don’t necessarily think they make me an asshole). Italics means they are the things I strongly agree with.
Fifty ways you know you’re an asshole
By Christopher O’Connor

It’s official, you’re an asshole if:

1. You like John Mayer.

2. You pop your collar (bonus points if you’re a guy and the shirt is pink).

3. You take the Joey from Carmichael to the campus center even when it is warm out.- (I guess the Berkeley equivalent is taking the elevator the first floor in the dorms?)

4. You’re a Yankees fan.

5. At parties you pretend that you are more drunk than you really are to seem “cool.”

the rest

Tahoe Weekend

Don’t want to say to much about it. It was relaxing to say the least. Frat Bro Jack took a few pictures, so I thought I’d share two. There are a lot more and better ones; I’ll add more when it’s not late at night.
