
So much for the short entries. More and more on me and my life now.

-I didn’t put a subject on this one because, well it doesn’t focus on one particular thing.
-I would have had this up sooner, but Joyce needed my help and I answered the call.
-You know it takes me forever to help Sam, Christina, or anybody else with their math homework and yet if they were my homework problems they would be done in no time. Strange.
-And speaking of Sam, thanks for putting me in your journal. I thought I’d be cool and put you in mine.
-Home sickness still coursing through me. Just a few more days Allen… Just a few more days…Just a few more…Just a few…
-Talked to Fabian via Video conferencing. Damn his flashlight to hell.
-I miss you too Julie and yes that is my sister’s sn.
-No spell check means you’ll have to put up with a few spelling errors. Remember i before e except after c, Allen.
-A lot of my girl friends find little sisters cute. Fred hangs up a picture of his just for them . It works too, as all the girls come into our room looking at her pic and say “How cute!”. Now where’s that photo album…
-My burner doesn’t work. And to make matters worse, I only have 1Gb of hard drive left. Looks like no more Kazaa for me.
-More problems: I have no more meal swipes for the semester at the DC. Dining dollars? Spent them all. Does this mean I’m actually going to cook myself something? Hell no!
-I thought these entries would be short, but they take up more space than the journal.
-Webcams are still cool. Get one now.
-If there seem to be only two funny entries in this journal, there are.
-Went to Barnes and Nobles with Dave. Spent two hours reading books we didn’t buy. That’s not good.
-Chinyon owes me a buck, remember that Allen.
-Currently been without Dim Sum in 3 months. That’s way too long. And no way am I going to SF just for that.
-Joey now wears a cape. Only God knows why.
-Have you noticed how those single people sitcoms always have similar characters? The main guy is generally the funny one and has a wacky family, there’s an idiot best friend, sometimes a smart best friend, and the attractive one who seems to always get with the main guy and break up only to remain friends. I wonder if I do that with my group.
-In case you were wondering, I was planning to write a sitcom.

That’s a lot of stuff.

Subjournal-Short and Sweet

This is the new subjournal. It will serve as a companion to my livejournal. The entries will be shorter and will be updated more frequently than the livejournal. Why do I still have the live journal though? I can’t put pictures on this and I can put my own personal entries and the more memorable stuff (that means no more sock stories in the journal). Without further adieu, here are today’s entries.

Today’s entries:
-“California has won the big game.” Today, we beat our archrival Stanford and reclaimed the axe. Last year, we were 1-10 and had lost 7 straight to Stanford. Now those days are gone. Shame we’re banned from the bowl games this year.
-Yes Cal does have a football team.
-Home sickness starting to set in. I’m coming home soon though. And next thing you know I’ll want to come back to Cal.
-I actually talked to Eugene’s girlfriend on AIM on Friday. Yes ladies, Eugene has a girlfriend. Don’t despair ladies, I’m still available (all the ladies reading this go “damn it”).
-Need more subfriends…Need more subfriends…Need more subfriends…Need more subfriends…Need more subfriends…
-Speaking of Eugene, Christina finally found out what his screenname and she wasn’t happy. She went out to kill him. No girl stays mad at Eugene though and she had a good time talking to her last night.
-We also played a small prank on Christina the other night. She hates Justin Timberlake, but Fred does and she gave him some posters. Eugene, Fred, and I thought it’d be cool to put up the posters on her door and surprise her in the morning. Her roommates awoke and we ran away back to the safety of the third floor. Silly Fred actually missed the stairs though, even though she lives next door to them. He ran and hid in the balcony and luckily wasn’t caught.
-More livejournal entries will be coming soon.


If you see my new profile, you’ll notice I also have a subjournal. The subjournal should contain shorter entries, but it has no spell check nor the capability to post pictures, so keep checking this journal out. I won’t abandon the livejournal though and I should finish the revisions to the journal as well as adding new stories. In the mean time though, you can check out the subjournal. To the Subjournal

White Mask

The first Supervillian profile
1. Evil Name-White Mask
2. Real Name-Guess? (click post comment and make your guess)
3. Place of Origin-???
4. Major-Scaring People
White Mask is a villian who recently entered the scene on Halloween and yet he is probably the scariest one yet. There is not much known about him except a few details. His mission is to create total anarchy. This year, he launched a grand scheme, where he scared many adults and innocent cilvians with a worse laugh than King Kong’s and many meancing remarks, which inculdes the now infamous “hey kids”. He also theartened the entire dental industry by giving incredibly sweet, but harmful candy to unsuspecting youth. After scaring most of the Superfriends, espically The Artist and Sean, he was taken down that night by Christine and taken away.

Penny Wars

Supefriends Roster: Nash and Eddie

To raise money for charity, one of the RAs came up with a game called Penny Wars. The object of the game is to collect as many pennies as you can and throw them into a jar for your floor over two weeks. However, if another floor places dollar bills, nickels, dimes, or quarters into your floor’s jar, the floor loses points. Normally my floor is apathetic towards these activities (we treated weekly Hall meetings, colorfully called Hall Ass, as a joke and instead have Floor Ass, as in Floor Your Ass in My Room to Watch Smallville). However, on the last day of Penny Wars, we found out that we had a chance of winning and found out that the grand prize was pizza. The floor then decided to band together on the last day of Penny Wars. Eddie and I decided to take matters into our own hands and went to every room, asking (okay begging) the floor for as much loose change as possible. Surprisingly, we gathered 3 bags worth of change in one night. So as the deadline was approaching at 3:00 AM, we waited patiently by the Security Booth for 3. 1st floor had a similar plan in mind. They also gathered up pennies that night into a little jar and filled up their jar at the both. Already, they were boasting about how they had won and they were getting the pizza. Then, Eddie and I showed up at the last second and deployed so many pennies into our jar, that we over filled it. 1st floor looked on in disappointment and tried to convince us to stop. We were unrelenting, however, and to throw salt on the wound, we dunked our bag of quarters (colorfully labeled the “atom bomb”) into the first floor jar. “It’s not fair,” the ladies said,”we don’t win anything.”


I’ve made a few changes to the journal the last few days beyond the entries.

For one, I’ve changes the look of the page from the original purple look. Second, I added origin stories (to Allen’s Life) and weaknesses to the profiles of everyone. Unfortunately, there remain a few incomplete profiles. Finally, I’ve added rosters to the stories so that you would know who the major players are in the stories and more stories are on the way.

Eddie’s Rantings

Halloween 2002 in SF
Superfriends Roster: Pictured-Lucky Charms and Nash, Eddie, Seungkwon, Albert and Vicky(they’ll have secret identities soon enough)
Not Pictured:The Joey and King Kong

A little background: Eddie (the guy in vampire teeth in the front) is Seungkwon’s (the guy towards the right of him in the picture) roommate. They both tend to have a lot of disagreements with each other about everything. To complicate matters further, Eddie is also a homosexual and Seungkwon is totally homophobic, calling himself the “straightest guy in the world.” The duo’s antagonism towards each other culminates into what Eddie calls his ranting or venting sessions. They can be found on his subprofile. Every little thing Eddie is annoyed with, he will put on the net for all his buddy’s list to see. And from his latest session came this entry I thought I should include in the journal, because your’s truly is involved. Let’s just say it deals with the picture above. By the way, Eddie refers to Seungkwon as Stupid.

From The Ranting Session comes this story:

“So from now his name will now be Stupid [Seungkwon]. Yes, he is like the only person who can say things that are soooo very stupid! Like today he said he wants a roommate who is straight and cool. May his corpse rot in the fiery pits of Hell. 😀

So Allen showed a picture of us from Halloween and asked who she [Susanna] thought was gay. And guess who she picked? Yep, she chose Stupid!!! That lil tale brought a tear to my eye.

But the story gets better: I was told not to put this up on my rantings cuz it would greatly offend him. But when I found out that he knew about it, I felt obliged to tell the world. How did he find out? Hehehehehe….

Everyone on the floor knew about this lil story. A couple of days ago Patrick was sniffing Eugene’s hair which looked very queer. So Eugene said he was sooo gay. Patrick was offended, but Joey consoled him by saying Patrick was the straightest guy in the world. At that moment Stupid prances in and everyone laughs at him…not with him…AT HIM!!! At his insistence, Stupid finds out why everyone is laughing at him. Then he just stands there totally stunned, then gets really pissed off. So pissed off that he goes to take a smoke on the balcony to cool off. Isn’t he such an idiot? I sure think so!

It gets even better: Allen’s friends from UCLA [Susanna and Guadalupe] thought every person in the group pic was gay EXCEPT eddie!! Take that, Stupid!!!! “

The Artist (Formally Known as Nedim)

56k sucks

It has come to my attention that I am neglecting my 56k audience as the journal is full of uncompressed pictures and links to videos that require broadband to access. This site would be better if I could separate my entries from day to day, but oh well. As for the videos and pictures, I just do not feel like compressing them for a small audience. Sorry! Don’t worry I’ll fell your pain again once I get back to LA on Thanksgiving.

Speaking of which, anybody think an reunion of some sorts is due? Perhaps Thanksgiving weekend on Friday or Saturday.

1. Heroic Name-The Artist
2. Real Name-Nedim ______
3. Place of Origin-Bosnia; Santa Monica, CA
4. Major-Art Practice
Sometimes taking down the toughest of adversaries requires a more unconventional solution. That is what The Artist brings to the team. With his creative mind and keen eye, he can see things the others can not and thereby solve the problem in unknown ways. He is also instrumental in creating new gadgets and wares for the team making the Superfriends an even more effective unit againist evil