I was searching for Far Side comics on the net. Here are all the, and I use the term lightly, related links to the Far Side home page. So how are USB Christmas lights related to the Far Side?
No more Subjournal
I thought about maintaining two blogs. Now I realize that was stupid. I mean I don’t live two lives (or so I make you think). I’m pretty sure the subjournal wasn’t very popular anyways (hahaha… like this page is). Besides I like the computer programs for posting entries better on livejournal, and I can use html, revise entries, and put in pictures. Plus, I’m finally getting some message board traffic. So I made my choice and decided to stick to LJ. But subjournal had its moments. I managed to upload all the entries from the subjournal to this one. Click here for a look at some of them. They tended to more comical and random than the livejournal. Check it out.
Alpha Delta Phi Rankings
My frat bro’s came out with a little survey. This is how your’s truly fared.
Second mostly to severely injure himself.
Fourth mostly likely to do your mom
Third mostly to be kidnapped by Yahia
Category I probably should have placed in
Most likely to spend a lot of time with stupid computer games or blogging
Categories Joey should be placed in
most likely to be “you know” (gay)
least likely to get laid
Superfriends or my photoshop creation
Adobe Photoshop is so cool. Check out this little pic I made.

Well I didn’t put in everyone on my floor. Sorry guys (actually, the words you may be looking for is thank you ).
On a side note, does anybody out there think they can name all the super heroes in this pic?
Why Blogs rule
I wrote an entry about blogging a while back and how it is becoming the next big thing on the web. I like it a lot, honestly, as it allows me to write down a lot of things I want to say and keep it organized better than I ever could with my old paper journals. It’s also funny looking back at all the little things I write. It’s so great I even write two of them (though that might not last for much longer, as I may convert the subprofile into a webpage). More and more people are getting into these things now I see, which is so cool. I just wish more people had them and I said more things on the web. I have to start maintaining this thing more frequently though, but oh well.
I basically have said absolutely nothing in this entry and the last one.
Oh well
This entry brought to you by the The Apathetic Online Journal Entry Generator
I’ve just been sitting around not getting anything done, but I guess it doesn’t bother me. It’s not important. Pretty much nothing seems worth thinking about. Not that it matters. So it goes. I can’t be bothered with anything these days.
Anyways, this site has a lot of other cool features. Check them out.
Spring Break 2003
Saturday: Well I got up at 6:30 AM, did the usual early morning routine, up and left, and nearly forgot my itinerary to board the plane (of course, I found out later that I didn’t need it). Our party of four became a pair of two as I decided to board the AirBART with Fred instead of wait for the AC transit with Wenjie and Chihyon. Oh well. Got to the airport 2 hours early for my flight and still nearly missed it as I sat at the wrong gate. So I delayed the flight by a minute no big deal. Land in Burbank and then went off to Chinatown to have dim sum with family. These use to be a regular outing and I’d grow tired of them. But now with me spending less time with the family, I appreciate them every time. Saw Cal basketball lose to Oklahoma. Boy was that painful. However, Arizona vs. Gonzaga. What a game. Of course, there have been several great games in the tournament and it leads one to wonder if these have been set up (like some kind of conspiracy). That’s just paranoia I guess.
Sunday: Had to go to the cemetery to honor my grandpa who left us a while back. May he rest in peace. Talked to many relatives as my parents bragged that I go to Berkeley. Really it’s not that big a deal. Later that day I visited my grandmother, who in her condition could not attend. She seems a tad stronger than when I saw her last and she’s still fighting. Keep it up. Meanwhile, war on Iraq seems as some Americans are captured. I also find out about an old friend from childhood is in the service. I hadn’t seen her in years, yet it so surprised me. May all the soldiers come back home safely. I also found out something rather odd. While I’m here at home, some kids are stuck at their universities not by choice, but because their parents think it is ridiculous for them to come back after they’ve only been gone for two months. Big mistake parents. They are not going to want to come home after a while.
Monday: Went to Lincoln high school and saw a good couple of old teachers like Martinez, Louie, Austin, Wong, Fletcher, and Passler. Meet up with Ken, Wilson, Samie, Sam, Chris, and Sandy over at Lincoln and then later Shya, Sopheak, and Diana. Cruised on over to Chinatown for Chinese food. Then headed over to Santa Anita Fashion Park.
Tuesday: Went to Burbank Media Center and Fry’s Electronics with Julie, Johnathan, Eddie, and Susanna. Then went to Glendale and got a new pair glasses and had dinner at Chevy’s with them and Alex. Julie got into a bit of trouble with her mom for taking the car out too late though. Sorry about that.
Wednesday: Currently nursing a cold. Good night.
Thursday: Getting better but still not in the best shape. Discovered some of the joys of ebay as I may have found some great bargains.
Friday:Had to cancel on Kai on our visit to Lincoln due to my illness. Oh well he didn’t go either. Showed Mom and sis Chicago. Interesting movie. Also interesting how good the movie looked when I plugged my computer into the TV. Very good quality.
Saturday:Flying back. Sorry I couldn’t have lunch with you aunt Nancy. Get back and go around Berkeley with friends. Saw Berkeley girls water polo beat San Jose State with Joey and then we met up with Panda for food at Cafe Durant. Then I head over to cousin Lin Lin and company’s house in SF. Spent the night and look forward to picking up more food and stuff for dorm.
Sunday:If you remember that Julie sent be a whole mess of text messages with her paper, well she got a B+ on the paper. Good for her. Well anyways, I went out shopping and stuff with my uncle and such. Got a new CD player that plays MP3s for $50 dollars at Target. And lots of food from Costco of course. Unfortunately, the car broke down though as uncle didn’t put any anti-freeze and the weather was hot as heck. Lost quite a bit of time. Oh well. I got back to Berkeley at around 5:45. Saw that Eugene had gotten back last night. Darn I was hoping to have the room to myself. Now I’m sitting here finishing this entry.
Overall synposis: Cool spring break in which I left home too early and didn’t get enough work done. I could have done a lot more if I hadn’t gotten sick, but I was still healthy enough to do some school work. Oh well I think I needed the rest. As Panda put it when he first saw me, ” you seem a lot less tense.”
Subjournal-Spring Breaking
-While this may be a chronicle of my life, I like to remind myself sometimes of what is happening around this time. On this day, America is still at war with Iraq and is 100 miles away from Baghdad.
-On a lighter note, college students like myself are enjoying some rest and relaxation away from classes and such. And, rooting for their schools basketball team in the “Big Dance”. Unfortunately, my school just lost to Oklahoma yesterday. Isn’t that just sad when California, the most populous state in the country and the best public school in the country, can’t beat Oklahoma, the state where everybody came in too soon?
-I know that joke was bad, but it could have been a lot worse.
-At least we beat North Carolina state. For those of you who saw it, it had to be the best game of the first day. I mean last second heroics by both teams.
-My vote for best game in the tournament though, so far is Arizona vs. Gonzaga. Double overtime, down to the wire, and two last second shots to extend the game. And Arizona won by just one point. Wow.
-Gee I was all gun ho about writing this thing and now I’m out of ideas. Very strange.
-I find it rather odd that there has to be a dichotomy between high school friends and college friends. I mean they are all friends right?
-As soon as everyone leaves the comfort of the dorms high speed connection, the amount of people online on a buddies list decreases dramatically doesn’t it?
-You know those ugly pixilated reruns of TV shows you download on the net? If you can, try playing them on you’re TV. You’d be surprised how good they can look. Try DVD rips too as they look great too.
-This is now also the time for college admissions to send letters of acceptance or rejection to prospective students. Good luck to all of you and also here’s hoping you go to the right school (i.e. Cal)
-It’s also that time of year colleges start courting people to come. Berkeley offers a free trip for some people to come. Take advantage of it and come by. Who knows I may host you and you might stay in my room (don’t mind the smell).
-And speaking of which, hardly anyone on my floor signed up for this program. What is up with that? I mean a bunch of you came here because of it.
-Back to 56k modem speed. How can people tolerate this?
-Berkeley has drawn a massive amount of media attention, because of the anti-war or (to be more politically correct) peace protests. It’s cool seeing people you know on TV like Geoff from the floor. And it’s all for a good cause.
-In Berkeley, though, you’ll find a huge amount of distrust with the media. Someone tagged underneath the logo on a KRON-4 news van the word “lies” indicating the “bay-area news leader” isn’t all its cracked up to be. I’m saying that’s just vandalism, but do they have a point?
-It is times like that I wish I carry a camera and a voice recorder with me all the time.
-A lot of parents want their kids to come home every weekend when they go to a close school. However, when they go to a far away school, some parents ask why would you want to go home? Striking contradiction.
-Well I didn’t get the health worker position I wanted. That really stinks.
-It’s also really annoying when you feel like other people can do so much more than you. I don’t know I guess I just need reassurance sometimes.
-And lately it’s been one of the many things that hasn’t gone right for me in a while. I thought it was just a phase but now it’s compounding. Oh what to do, what to do?
-Lately I’ve been more open and talking to more stingers and such. I wonder if that’s a good thing, knowing my trusting nature.
-It looks like depressing Allen managed to infiltrate subjournal. I don’t know I guess it’s been kind of hard for me to count the positives in my life right now. Oh well, bright and cheery Allen should be happy after he gets back from Fry’s Electronics tomorrow. 🙂
-With these last words I type, I will have used all the characters I am allowed.
Subjournal-Trying to avoid work
-Spring break in a few days.
-Got to love the new humor page. It’s incredibly funny, but I wonder what I’ll do with it once everyone has seen it. I mean how many times can a person possibly laugh at why did the chicken cross the road jokes. Here’s hoping I can eventually write my own material.
-Apparently, when I try to be witty funny, it doesn’t work. But I just start saying things in a weird voice or say a completely obvivous joke, it comes off as really funny. Go figure.
-I’ve spent to much time trying to appeal to a very small group of people. How very, very sad. For those of you who do come by and visit the site, you’ll find there are some very appealing features in it to keep you coming back for more.
-Where are all the agnostics and atheists in this school? I need more help from people who don’t believe in God. Isn’t this school suppose to be full of super liberal people?
-Headed back to old high school over break. I went back there with good old pal Fabian and a person said that Berkeley people fight for the most ridiculous issues like whether or not coffee is organically grown. To me, the fact that she knew about it makes her a good candidate to go to Berkeley.
-What happened to subprofiles? Nobody seems to have these anymore, which might explain my lack of subfriends. Speaking of which, why am I not on anyone’s subfriends list?
-So much for this stuff being funny.
-You know when you are addicted to the net when you can just shoot out web sites off the top of your head when people ask you for one.
-You also know that you are addicted to the net when you read silly journals like this one all the time.
-I can not believed I missed seeing Scott Adams, the man who currently writes the Dilbert comic strip.
-Speaking of celebrities, I can’t believe how many famous people Fred has seen. He had Arnold Schwarzenegger as a guest speaker in his Poli Sci class, saw a few players from the Golden State Warriors at the gym, and met Snoop Dogg and has a picture with him. Me and Eugene have a side bet to see which one he’ll meet next.
Subjournal-More Junk
-Believe it or not there is no formal definition of the word planet. Not only this, but the newly proposed definition would say that there are 12 planets in the solar system. Check out this site for details.
-I know promised more updates all the time and this time I really mean it. I’ve been inspired by my fellow blogging brethen to keep writing for the good of the community.
-New additions to the subprofile include a new late night humor and links to fellow blog pages.
-The late night humor page should be good. I feel bad that they will not all be my jokes. Hey who knows? Maybe I’ll put up so many jokes, maybe some of that humor will rub off on me.
-I now have a new found respect for online journals. They provide great information to the masses and quite quickly I might add. Check out some of them.
-It would have been a bit of an inconvience for me to make this as a Geocities page, but this is so much easier.
-The text messages finally stopped at 2 PM Monday afternoon after they started at 2 AM Saturday night. More info on the live journal.
-If there’s anything about computer programming in general is that the tinest mistakes can lead to huge errors. Those of you who ever do, know exactly what I’m talking about.
-Intresting to note how a multiude of people started downloading movies off P2P file sharing programs, after being told the programs were capable of this by public service announcements telling them not to do it.
-Spring break is in a few more days. Counting down the days and then I get a week with no classes.
-Good luck on finals for all you quater schools.
-Why is nobody keeps me informed over down south? Over here, there’s nothing about my what my friends do that alludes me (say on or two things). Come on I tell you what happens to me up here.
-Here’s hoping I can fill up one subpage by the end of the semester.
-Please visit. I promise I’ll update more.