Oh geez. This week just started badly. I was just incredibly out of it when it came to everything, so I was really looking forward to the weekend. Well, the week started turning around a little while earlier, as I had run into siobhan06 (who I hadn’t seen in a long time) in the line for free Chiptole which stretched around the block. She was gracious enough to allow me entrance into the line and I was able to secure the free food.
Little did I know how great a weekend this would be. First the big prize:
Thanks to current president for bringing the Stanford Axe to the Alpha Delta Phi Big Game Luncheon where I got to talk with a lot of the alumni about all sorts of things.

Bill Romanowski (of NFL fame) parked at the ADPhi parking lot during the Big Game 2006. I got a picture with him.
A lot of people I knew came over. Lots of this of good things happened this weekend. Very good week.