Oddly enough, I got a letter asking me to donate to the class of 2005 Senior Gift Campaign, even though I’m class of 2006 (must be all those AP units or something). Anyways, I thought they had some nice things to say on their letter.
Italics-Means I did it.
Top 10 things to do before you graduate
10. Ride to the top of the Campanile
9. Learn the words to “Hail to California”
8. Pull one last all-nighter at the library of your choice
7. Fall in love with your GSI (ed. note: I didn’t think this would apply to me, what with all the male GSIs I’ve had here. Now that I’ve had more female GSIs, I must say they are pretty attractive.)
6. Nosh at Top Dog and La Burrita at 2 AM
5. Have a drink at the Bear’s Lair (ed. note: does a Coke count? 🙂 )
4. Experience the thrill of a Big Game win
3. Hike up to the Big C
2. Protest on Sproul (ed. note: does booing a protest count?)
1. Give to the Senior Gift Campaign (cheap plug)
Wow I’ve got a long way’s to go.
You won’t soon forget
-Freshman year in the dorms. (ed. note: for better or worse I suppose)
-Relaxing, tanning, or playing sports on Memorial Glade
-Being inspired by a brilliant professor
-The feeling of acing a test
-Beating USC in triple overtime (ed. note: they’re still talking about that?)
hi hi ^^ (ish gloria)
hi! not quite sure if you remember me ^^ i was in the philosophy class (i think it was philosophy… my memory’s not so good -_-) that you took at LACC one summer. I’m up in Berkeley now! Spring admit 😀 Anyways, if you remember me, send me an e-mail to gnpark07@hotmail.com all righty?
P.S. i think i saw you in the street the other day… across the street from the greek theatre (or bowles… that area)… thought it might be weird if i said hi and it turned out not to be you ^^
anyways, e-mail me okey? ttyl!
hahaha, those are cute must do’s 🙂
Wow, I’m really behind on the to do list. *sigh* I haven’t even gone up in Campanile yet! =P
So am I, but…
At least you have 2 more years to do it. I still haven’t gone up to the Campanille, but I guess I should this semester (it’s open on weekends now too).