I don’t know why, but I suppose my train of thought is not exactly what we call normal sometimes. I suppose it’s either keen mental quickness or a couple of screws loose in my mental facilities (personally, I like to think it’s a bit of both). Well whether or not it was random, I did think about the following:
-Am I honestly that nice? Like so many people keep saying “you know Allen, you’re really nice” or “you’re so nice.” I guess I could be, since I seem to live to help people. After all, it is my 24 hour-a-day, seven-day a week job. I guess people don’t find a lot of that nowadays or something.
-You know if I was honestly bothered by a lot of people asking me for favors, people wouldn’t be asking if you know what I mean. However, if I do something for you, I do expect some favors done for me. It’s only fair.
-A lot of people I’ve talked to have reached the same conclusion about this summer’s music as I have, in that it sucked royally. I mean a lot of it was just bad and some others sounded exactly the same as each other. Nothing really stood out and that was the major problem. However, John Mayer and Fountains of Wayne could mean redemption for the music industry.
-Speaking of music, anybody get a lot beeps and hisses on the files they download off Kazaa? Man is it annoying. Well, it maybe time to switch to another file sharing program, as it is caused by a company called Overpeer which set up servers for other people to download these bogus files on Kazaa. I guess WinMX wins as my next best alternative for now, but I really wished they cleaned the ugly interface.
-It’s starting to bother me how people can hate people in general, especially people they never meet like celebrities. I guess I’m a little idealistic about this, but seriously it seems to take little effort to hate someone and it seems to expend energy to be nice. It should be vice versa and it could be good to expend some energy towards hating people, towards liking them.
Alright off I go. See ya.
I say that you are nice because you ARE, and you seriously do more favors for people than are expected. And I don’t think you get enough credit for it. You are a really great person. I say it because it is true. Ok? =) You seem to be bothered by it.
See you later-
That didn’t bother me at all
Sorry when I said bothered, I just was thinking about it and not getting anything back was probably what bothered me more than people asking. I mean I like helping people, but it never seems to get me anywhere I feel sometimes.
what the heck? fountains of wayne…john meyer…?!?! what about foo fighters, radiohead, and other not-new, but still developing bands whose songs were realeased this summer? hmm… i don’t think should go around saying what’s so great and what’s not especially when in the end it’s just opinion, not established fact that a band, or a song sucks. And, if you must know, fountains of Wayne sucks giant ass, in MY opinion. But anyways, hope that didn’t sound too mean, hope you’re having a good time schooling… heh heh, later
Re: huh?
Foo Fighters and Radiohead were good, don’t get me wrong. But overall, I thought the music did overall suck in the summer in all spectrums. I mean I didn’t really like a lot of the new rap songs or pop songs what so ever, a lot of the harder rock wasn’t that good, and there were so many punk rock wannabe bands I couldn’t even listen to the radio anymore. But again, we all have our opinions on music and such and I’m glad you wanted to share your opinon. I love comments, so keep them coming. See ya later.