My previous boss in Berkeley, Sylvia, introduced me to the nonprofit scene in the Bay Area, taking me to 501 Tech Clubs from NTEN and the Craigslist Foundation. I enjoyed this scene, so I made it a priority to come back to Berkeley for the Craigslist Foundation’s 2007 Nonprofit Bootcamp. It’s a fantastic conference with tips on starting a nonprofit, marketing it, and much more.
At first, I didn’t realize how Bay Area oriented the conference would be, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised as nonprofits generally have tight budgets for travel. This made it a bit harder for me to network with other conference attendees, as I wouldn’t really get a chance to see them in the future. However, I did spend a lot of time talking to the salesmen in the sponsored areas. Obviously, they were trying to sell me their services, but I still enjoyed talking to them and the services they provided. In particular, I liked discussing with NPO Orbit about Salesforce customization, TriNet about HR outsourcing, and Mobilecause about getting the nonprofit mobile services. These are all services that would seemingly work with any nonprofit, and though I haven’t worked with them yet, they all look promising.
So all in all a good conference. Sadly no pictures. I’ve heard there was a possibility of a Los Angeles area bootcamp; I’m up for joy with that thought.
Thanks for the shout out Allen. We would love to work with you and any other person doing cause related work!
-Sean Hulin
CMO MobileCause
Allen! It was great meeting you at the CRAIGSLIST Non-Profit Boot Camp. We were very excited to be there providing our Text2Screen service to the event. As you know, MobileCause is a socially conscious mobile marketing firm in Southern California. We enable non-profit organizations to utilize the mobile phone for fundraising, advocacy, and many other applications that extend the reach and scope of their cause via the mobile phone. We are a full service mobile marketing agency as well as a technology provider guiding NPO’s from start to beginning when it comes to mobile marketing. We’d love to talk more with you Allen as well as anyone else who’d like to see their favorite charity or NPO GET MOBILE!
Thanks MobileCause, for visiting. Looking forward to talking to having you guys over soon.
How are you?
When are we going to get the urban leauge mobile?
Whenever I get to explain the idea to my bosses. I’ll talk to them soon. No worries.