Well I finally feel like I have time to blog, though I have been checking up on all my friends updates, which have been pretty entertaining. Anyways, to summarize what’s been going on:
-Family takes up a good deal of my time, which is good, since I don’t really seem them as much as want to anymore.
-I’ve made a few changes to my WordPress blog. Mainly I added tags (which have brought in most of the traffic) and and a linkbog (ala Photo Matt). I even inspired andyman03 to start a linkblog.
-Justin Wong came down for a road trip last weekend to visit a friend, so he stayed at my house since I live close by. We also went to UC Irvine, which was interesting.
-I had jury duty last Wednesday, which was annoying to say the least. It’s boring and a near complete waste of time.
-Heading out to dinner with some old friends tomorrow. Should be interesting.
Yeah I know, not much of an entry, but I’ll leave it be for now.