In a similar vain to the Job Board I built for the LA Urban League, I created an event board using WordPress. The main plugins I’ve used are the Event Calendar for the event information and the Geopress plugin for locations.
We Can Do This Video
So the Los Angeles Urban League, my employer, put together a celebratory video called “We Can Do This.” If it seems familiar, it’s probably because it resembles the Will.I.Am “Yes We Can Video“. They then showed this video at the big event called the Whitney Young Dinner last week. I was also asked to be in the video, though my part is only about a second (from the 2:36 mark). You may however recognize some of the people who have bigger parts in the video.
We Can Do This Video
So the Los Angeles Urban League, my employer, put together a celebratory video called “We Can Do This.” If it seems familiar, it’s probably because it resembles the Will.I.Am “Yes We Can Video“. They then showed this video at the big event called the Whitney Young Dinner last week. I was also asked to be in the video, though my part is only about a second (from the 2:36 mark). You may however recognize some of the people who have bigger parts in the video.
Los Angeles Urban League Domestic Violence PSAs
The domestic violence program at my workplace, the Los Angeles Urban League, put together these Public Service Announcements (PSAs) for the public. They’ll be shown today at the Pan African Film Festival.
Los Angeles Urban League Domestic Violence PSAs
The domestic violence program at my workplace, the Los Angeles Urban League, put together these PSAs for the public. They’ll be shown today at the Pan African Film Festival.