Great weekend and the best party ever

On Friday, I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean for the second time. It didn’t excite me to see it a second time, especially when it was going to be me and Joey only at first. Turns out our group of two turned into a group of 10. Granted, I don’t think I’ll see like 4 of them again, but frat guys Billy and Jesse were there, as were Jacqueline and Shoshana. I had a good time, but we left two guys behind, which I kind of felt bad about. Not only that, but I hate Joey’s insistence that he must sit next to a girl when we go to the movies, who in this case was some girl named Julie he met at his Christian fellowship. It’s not like it matters too much, though; at least he didn’t hesitate to tell her that I was his best friend, which was cool. After the movie, I took Shoshana back to her place, where we saw frat bro Nick and Sho’s roommate Vicky watching Conan ‘O Brien. So that’s what they done together after I set them up? I left about 20 minutes later, and jetted home. All in all, a better night than I expected.

It’s been 3 days past it, but I think the party we had at Alpha Delta Phi on Saturday was the best party thrown by a frat this year. There was an awesome turn out, thanks in part to all the frats going down south to UCLA for the game (Cal lost 23-20 in OT). Everything went well, plus it was great seeing old floormates Sean, Fred, Joey, Wenjie, and Vicky in the same place again. It was just awesome hearing that Joey was dancing; he never dances, so you know the party had to be fun. Great music, great crowd, just awesome atmosphere. Just wish I didn’t have to bartend so much that night, but I met some girl named Emily and her friend from LA (she just had to keep reminding me about how she was so happy she remembered my name). Nothing happened though; she wasn’t very attractive and I had nothing to talk to her about. Oh well. Great party overall, and the best Alpha Delt party in a long time.

Funny Quotemnk17fx (2:09:02 AM): Jacob said like “dude I so wanted to bring you (referring to me) to food orgy [over at Loth, where they get naked and cover themselves in chocolate], but I couldn’t find you”
knightangel007 (2:09:48 AM): that’s great
knightangel007 (2:09:55 AM): I would have never sat next to you again
mnk17fx (2:09:59 AM): haha
mnk17fx (2:10:19 AM): I don’t think I could have sat next to my self

One Reply to “Great weekend and the best party ever”

  1. yay!!!! you spelled my name right!! you’re awesome…i love it when people can spell my name =)

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